Shihui Song (宋师慧)
Research Interests
Distributed Systems
Lossy Compression
Dataflow Architecture
Selected Publications (Full List)
A Memory-efficient and Computation-balanced Lossy Compressor on Wafer-Scale Engine
Shihui Song, Robert Underwood, Sheng Di, Yafan Huang, Peng Jiang, and Franck Cappello
[IPDPS’25]: IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, 2025
CereSZ: Enabling and Scaling Error-bounded Lossy Compression on Cerebras CS-2
Shihui Song, Yafan Huang, Peng Jiang, Xiaodong Yu, Weijian Zheng, Sheng Di, Qinglei Cao, Yunhe Feng, Zhen Xie, and Franck Cappello
[HPDC’24]: The ACM International Symposium on High-Performance Parallel and Distributed Computing, 2024
Rumor Detection on Social Media with Out-In-Degree Graph Convolutional Networks
Shihui Song, Yafan Huang, Hongwei Lu
[SMC’21]: Proceedings of the 2021 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics